Data and statistics related to our regulatory activities and the New Zealand rental market.

Rental bond data

The rental bond data provides information about the activity level in the housing rental market since January 1993.

The data comes from our tenancy bond database, which records all new rental bonds that are lodged with us each month.

Rental bond data

Dispute resolution statistics

Every quarter, Tenancy Services publishes a high-level summary of the volume of dispute resolution applications received, and the types of disputes detailed in those applications. Data includes applications made to Mediation, Tenancy Tribunal, and FastTrack.

Latest Statistics - Q2 2024 (01 Apr - 30 Jun 2024)

Who made applications to the Tenancy Tribunal?

Landlord applications
Tenant applications
6,025 1,286

Where were the tenancies related to Tenancy Tribunal applications?

District of tenancy
1 Auckland 42.27%
2 Christchurch 6.80%
3 Hamilton 5.38%
4 Lower Hutt 3.87%
5 Wellington 3.86%

What were the Tenancy Tribunal applications about?

Note: there are more disputes than applications, as a single application can be about a number of different disputes.

Overall: top disputes detailed in applications
Number of applications
1 Rent Arrears 4543 62.14%
2 Refund Bond 2968 40.60%
3 Termination/possession 2431 33.25%
4 Compensation / Damages 2072 28.34%
5 Outgoings 1128 15.43%
6 Exemplary Damages 631 8.63%
7 Rent arrears breach 565 7.73%
8 Vacated more than 2mths - s 91A 502 6.87%
9 Cross Application 474 6.48%
10 Remedy of breach 439 6.00%

Landlord applicant: top disputes

Landlord applicant: top disputes
Number of applications
1 Rent Arrears 4543 75.40%
2 Termination/possession 2431 40.35%
3 Refund Bond 2332 38.71%
4 Compensation / Damages 1460 24.23%
5 Outgoings 1105 18.34%
6 Rent arrears breach 565 9.38%
7 Vacated more than 2mths - s 91A 502 8.33%
8 Remedy of breach 433 7.19%
9 Cross Application 296 4.91%
10 Exemplary Damages 193 3.20%

Tenant applicant: top disputes

Tenant applicant: top disputes
Number of applications
1 Refund Bond 636 49.46%
2 Compensation / Damages 612 47.59%
3 Exemplary Damages 438 34.06%
4 Healthy Homes standards 381 29.63%
5 Failure to maintain 280 21.77%
6 Quiet enjoyment 206 16.02%
7 Cross Application 178 13.84%
8 Work Order 175 13.61%
9 Reduction of Fixed Term 170 13.22%
10 Moisture and drainage 146 11.35%


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Dispute resolution statistics 2024 Quarter 2 [PDF, 137 KB]

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