28 October 2020

Problems between landlords and tenants can often be easily sorted out by talking to each other. The Settling disputes through self-resolution guide is now available on our website to help you work together to sort out and prevent disputes.

Settling disputes by self-resolution guide [PDF, 385 KB]

Self-resolution means listening to each other’s concerns and trying to come up with a solution together. The short guide includes tips and tools to help you prepare for a productive conversation. We encourage you to try this first before seeking help through Tenancy Mediation. It can be less stressful, costly and time-consuming and will often result in a more positive working relationship for the tenancy.

Find out more about self-resolution.

Sometimes you won’t be able to agree on how to sort out the problem, but by talking about it you’ll at least understand what the other person’s concerns are and where they’re coming from. There are other legal processes available to help if you cannot reach an agreement after talking with each other.

Find out more about the disputes process.

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