25 September 2020

From 26 September 2020 the rent increase freeze will no longer be in effect. It was introduced in March 2020 under the COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Legislation Act 2020.

This means rent increases can take effect on or after 26 September 2020, as long as the correct notice period has been given and other new and existing rules in the Residential Tenancies Act have been met.

A new rule limiting rent increases to once every 12 months (previously 180 days) took effect from 12 August 2020. Any rent increase notice given from 12 August 2020 must comply with this new 12-month rent increase rule.

Find out more about rent increases and notice periods on our website.

Many people’s financial situations have changed due to the economic impact of COVID-19. We encourage landlords and tenants to continue to talk to each other, be considerate, and work together wherever possible to reach an agreement.

To help with this, see our guidance for landlords and tenants on discussions about rent.

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