Tenants, check if your rental checks out with the healthy homes standards.

Between 1 July 2021 and 1 July 2025, all rentals must comply with the 5 healthy homes standards.

When they must comply depends on the type of tenancy and when it starts or is renewed.

Find out more about the standards, and when your rental needs to comply on our page for tenants.

Healthy homes standards — what a tenant needs to know

Tenant healthy homes standards checklist

When you’re looking for a new rental, here’s a few things to look for and ask questions about.

This list doesn’t cover everything in the healthy homes standards, just some things you can easily keep an eye out for. More information about each standard can be found on our website.

Healthy homes

  • Is there floor and ceiling insulation?
  • Is it free from gaps that could cause draughts?
  • Is there a window, door or skylight in each room that can be opened to the outside and remain open?
  • Is it free from signs of moisture or water under or around the property?
  • Is there working guttering and downpipes that will drain water away?
  • Is it free from mould or signs it could be damp?
  • Is there an extraction fan in the kitchen & bathroom, or a qualifying ventilation system?
  • Is there a qualifying fixed heater in the main living room?
  • Is there a moisture barrier installed underneath the property? (This is only needed if there is an enclosed space under the property)
  • Will the landlord provide a healthy homes compliance statement? (There needs to be one in your new tenancy agreement)

Seen something that doesn’t check out? Ask your landlord or property manager about their plans to meet the healthy homes standards before you apply to rent the property.

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