10 November 2021

Congratulations to Fiona Baker and Claire Alderton, the winner and runner-up for the 2021 New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF) Landlord of the Year award.

The NZPIF Landlord of the Year award honours members of the New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation who represent excellence among landlords. 

In considering the nominees, Tenancy Services looked for a landlord who builds positive relationships with tenants and could demonstrate compliance with the Residential Tenancies Act 1986, specifically their commitment and compliance to maintaining healthy and good quality rental homes.

Image of winner of landlord of the year 2021

From left: Sharon Cullwick, President of the Hawke's Bay Property Investors' Association; and Fiona Baker, winner of the 2021 Landlord of the Year award.

Fiona, a landlord of over 20 years, has a small portfolio of rental homes in the Hawke’s Bay region that she manages herself.  She highlighted lots of good examples of establishing and maintaining positive tenancy relationships, such as supporting tenants through periods of financial stress, having regular conversations with her tenants and continually upgrading the properties and fixtures to provide a quality rental home. Fiona has such a good relationship with her tenants she is even invited over on special family occasions.

Image of runner up of landlord of the year 2021

From left: Peter Ambrose, President of the Wellington Property Investors' Association; and Claire Alderton, runner-up for the 2021 Landlord of the Year award.

Claire, an experienced property investor originally from the United Kingdom, moved to New Zealand and started her landlord journey in 2008.  She later joined the Capital Property Investors’ Association (now merged with the Wellington Property Investors’ Association) and found the learnings and resources from the Association and other members useful for her understanding of New Zealand’s tenancy laws.

Being able to support others in the landlord community is a key priority for Claire. She finds having established processes and thorough checklists useful to document compliance requirements and communicate tenancy matters with tenants. 

“It is great to be acknowledged for doing a good job,” says Claire.

Steve Watson from Tenancy Services says “It’s great to see the quality of landlord nominees from across the North and South Islands, and their efforts and commitment to build positive relationships with their tenants and provide great quality homes.”

If you’re a landlord, use our checklist to see how you measure up to minimum requirements of tenancy laws.

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