14 June 2021

The Temporary Accommodation Service has been activated today following the recent flooding in Canterbury. Find out what to do if your rental property has been damaged.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) Temporary Accommodation Service (TAS) has been activated today following the recent flooding across the Canterbury region. TAS is accepting registrations from displaced residents who need assistance finding temporary accommodation.

If you have been affected by the flooding in Canterbury and need temporary accommodation, you can register on the TAS website(external link) or phone 0508 754 163.

Temporary accommodation differs from ‘shelter’ and ‘emergency accommodation’, which is provided for a short period of time by civil defence and emergency management agencies. Temporary accommodation is used for short to medium terms, providing households with accommodation while repairs are undertaken following a natural disaster.

Landlords and tenants can find information on what to do if your rental property is damaged in a natural disaster on our website.

Repairs after a natural disaster.

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