1 July 2021

1 July 2021 ─ this is the first compliance date for rental properties to meet the five healthy homes standards.

The dates to meet the standards aren’t one-size-fits-all. They depend on the type of property or when a new or renewed tenancy starts.

What this means for you

Boarding houses

From 1 July 2021 all boarding houses, except those provided by Kāinga Ora or registered Community Housing Providers, must meet the five healthy homes standards.

A boarding house is where tenants have their own tenancy agreement to rent a single room or sleeping area within a room they share with other tenants. They also share facilities such as the kitchen and bathroom. They are occupied, or intended to be occupied, by at least six tenants at any one time.

Private rentals

From 1 July 2021, private rentals must meet the five healthy homes standards within 90 days of any new or renewed tenancies that start on or after this date.

All private rentals must meet the standards by 1 July 2024.

Kāinga Ora and registered Community Housing Provider houses

From 1 July 2023 all Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing New Zealand) houses and registered Community Housing Provider houses must meet the five healthy homes standards.

Are you ready to create that healthy rental feeling?

We have lots of information and tools online to help you understand what needs to be done and to come up with a plan.

See the healthy homes standards section of our website for details of what needs to be done for each standard. There are tools on there you can use to help.

Use the healthy homes standards compliance statement tool to find out what information you need to include with your tenancy agreement about the standards. There are two of these statements, a compliance statement and an intent to comply statement. We have templates you can download and use for this.

See the Raise the Standard website(external link) for other helpful information, like this rental health checklist(external link), these helpful articles(external link), and these tips for tenants on how you can help keep your home healthy(external link).

And remember, landlords must give at least 24 hours’ notice to the tenants to get access to the house to do work to comply, or prepare to comply with the healthy homes standards.

Thanks for making New Zealand’s homes healthier.

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