E ngā kairēti, me mōhio ki ō tika!

Tenants, know your rights!

Ākona te rerekētanga o te kairēti me te hoanoho. Me mōhio hoki ki ngā mahi me oti e te tangata nōna te whare, tirohia hoki ko ō tika me ō haepapa hei kairēti.

E ngā kairēti, me mōhio ki ō tika! [PDF, 320 KB]

Ngā whare noho utu

He rerekē ngā ture mō ngā rētitanga whare noho utu ki ngā rētitanga ahuwhānui.

Ko tā te whare noho utu (e takune ana rānei) kia ono, neke atu rānei, ngā kainoho i te wā kotahi. I tētahi whare noho utu, kei ia kainoho tāna ake whakaaetanga me te kaituku rēti whare, ki te rēti i tētahi rūma kotahi, te wāhi moe rānei i tētahi rūma e tiria ana me ētahi atu kainoho. Ka tiri hoki i ētahi atu rūma pēnei i te kīhini me te rūma horoi. He rerekē tēnei ki te rētitanga ahuwhānui, otirā ka waitohu tētahi, ētahi kainoho rānei i te whakaaetanga ki te rēti i te whare katoa.

Ina whakaaro koe ki te noho ki tētahi whare noho utu, me rapu kōrero anō i konei

He ataata mō ngā tīwhiri rētihanga

Tenancy tips video series

E kōrero ana ēnei ataata mō ngā momo āhuatanga o te rēti whare ki Aotearoa.

Ko te tīmata i te rētihanga

Starting a tenancy

He aha rā ngā āhuatanga me mōhio koe inā e tīmata ana ki te rētihanga? Tirohia tēnei ataata, ka kite i te whare tamaiti e whakarongo ana ki ngā tīwhiri o tētahi atu.

Starting a Tenancy (Te Reo Captions) (transcript)

Whare Hou: E hoa, kei te wātea mai koe mō te wā poto?
Whare Tawhito: Te āhua nei, ka roa tō poto. Heoi, karawhiua...
Whare Hou: He aha te rēti?
Whare Tawhito: Ko te rēti he moni ka hoatu e ngā kainoho whare ki te tangata nōna te whare i ia wiki, i ia rua wiki rānei. He utu tēnei mō te noho ki tētahi whare, pēnei i a koe nā.
Whare Hou: Koia, koia. Te pai hoki. Ā, he aha te moni here?
Whare Tawhito: Ka taea e te tangata nōna te whare te tono tētahi moni here i ngā kainoho i mua i te noho mai, tae atu ki te whā wiki o te utu rēti. Ka tukuna te moni here nei ki te Ratonga Noho Whare māna e pupuri. He here tēnei me kore e tūpono ka hē te whare, ka kore rānei e utua te rēti.
Whare Hou: Ko wai ka utu i ngā nama kia kore e whakakī noa i te pouaka mēra me te mākū haere noa?
Whare Tawhito: Ka utu ngā kainoho i ngā nama mō ngā mea ka whakamahi nei rātau; te hiko, te ipurangi me ētahi atu. Mā te tangata nōna te whare e utu ngā nama e hāngai ana ki te whare tonu, pēnei i ngā reiti.
Whare Hou: Ka pēhea te nakahi kākāriki rā kei te pātiti?
Whare Tawhito: Ko te ngongo wai tērā.
Whare Hou: Wiiii! Kua mau mai ki a au. Tangohia atu, tangohia atu!
Whare Tawhito: Mō ngā kainoho, utua tō rēti i te wā e rite ana, ia wiki, ia rua wiki rānei. Mehemea kei te utu ā-wiki koe, me kotahi wiki te utu tōmua. Mō te rēti rua wiki, me rua wiki te utu tōmua. Me kōrero tahi ngā kainoho me ngā tāngata whai whare mehemea ka hua he raruraru. Me tuku e ngā tāngata whai whare te moni here ki Ngā Ratonga Noho Whare i roto i te 23 rā mahi, mā te ipurangi rānei ki tenancy.govt.nz. He māmā. Ka utu ngā kainoho i te hiko, i te waea, i te ipurangi, i te haurehu me ngā mea ka whakamahia e rātau. Ka utu ngā tāngata whai whare i te inihua mō te whare me ngā reiti. He pārongo anō ki tenancy.govt.nz.

Ko te rēti, te moni here me ngā nama

Rent, bond and bills

Kei te rangirua koe ki ngā momo nama me utu i te tīmatanga o te rētihanga? Ka whakarongo tētahi whare tamaiti he maha nei āna pātai ki ngā whakautu a tōna hoa.

Rent, Bond & Bills (Te Reo Captions) (transcript)

Whare Hou: E hoa, kei te wātea mai koe mō te wā poto?
Whare Tawhito: Te āhua nei, ka roa tō poto. Heoi, karawhiua...
Whare Hou: He aha te rēti?
Whare Tawhito: Ko te rēti he moni ka hoatu e ngā kainoho whare ki te tangata nōna te whare i ia wiki, i ia rua wiki rānei. He utu tēnei mō te noho ki tētahi whare, pēnei i a koe nā.
Whare Hou: Koia, koia. Te pai hoki. Ā, he aha te moni here?
Whare Tawhito: Ka taea e te tangata nōna te whare te tono tētahi moni here i ngā kainoho i mua i te noho mai, tae atu ki te whā wiki o te utu rēti. Ka tukuna te moni here nei ki te Ratonga Noho Whare māna e pupuri. He here tēnei me kore e tūpono ka hē te whare, ka kore rānei e utua te rēti.
Whare Hou: Ko wai ka utu i ngā nama kia kore e whakakī noa i te pouaka mēra me te mākū haere noa?
Whare Tawhito: Ka utu ngā kainoho i ngā nama mō ngā mea ka whakamahi nei rātau; te hiko, te ipurangi me ētahi atu. Mā te tangata nōna te whare e utu ngā nama e hāngai ana ki te whare tonu, pēnei i ngā reiti.
Whare Hou: Ka pēhea te nakahi kākāriki rā kei te pātiti?
Whare Tawhito: Ko te ngongo wai tērā.
Whare Hou: Wiiii! Kua mau mai ki a au. Tangohia atu, tangohia atu!
Whare Tawhito: Mō ngā kainoho, utua tō rēti i te wā e rite ana, ia wiki, ia rua wiki rānei. Mehemea kei te utu ā-wiki koe, me kotahi wiki te utu tōmua. Mō te rēti rua wiki, me rua wiki te utu tōmua. Me kōrero tahi ngā kainoho me ngā tāngata whai whare mehemea ka hua he raruraru. Me tuku e ngā tāngata whai whare te moni here ki Ngā Ratonga Noho Whare i roto i te 23 rā mahi, mā te ipurangi rānei ki tenancy.govt.nz. He māmā. Ka utu ngā kainoho i te hiko, i te waea, i te ipurangi, i te haurehu me ngā mea ka whakamahia e rātau. Ka utu ngā tāngata whai whare i te inihua mō te whare me ngā reiti. He pārongo anō ki tenancy.govt.nz.

Ko te tiaki whare me te tirotiro

Maintenance and inspections

Ko wai e haepapa ana mō te tiaki i tō whare kia hauora ai? Kei tēnei ataata, ka ako tētahi whare e māuiui ana he mahi ā te kairēti, he mahi anō ā te kaiwhakarēti.

Maintenance & Inspections (Te Reo Captions) (transcript)

Whare Māuiui: (tīhei)
Whare Ora: Kei te pai koe?
Whare Māuiui: Ākuanei au te rewharewha ai.
Whare Ora: He rēwharewhare pea?
Whare Māuiui: E hoa, tō ... (ka maremare)
Whare Ora: Kei te tino hē tō āhua, kua oti i tō tangata he Tirohanga Whare i nā tata nei?
Whare Māuiui: He aha te Tirohanga Whare?
Whare Ora: Ā ... kua mārama. Kua kōrerotia rānei tēnei e ō kainoho?
Whare Māuiui: Kua maremare rātau, mehemea koia tā e kōrero nei.
Whare Ora: Ka taki whakahuaki rātau i ō wini? Koirā te tikanga.
Whare Māuiui: Kua peitatia katoatia kia tino kati. Taihoa, māku tētahi e whakamātau ... kāo. Kua tino mau.
Whare Ora: Kei te pai noa iho ōku. Ā.
Whare Māuiui: Kei te hē hoki ōku pūhanga...
Whare Ora: Ka aroha hoki! Mehemea he tangata whai whare koe, me rite tonu te tirohanga whare, me pupuri i te whare kia tika tonā āhua.
Me whakarite he pūoho auahi e mahi ana, he whakamahana, he rerenga wai hoki. Me whakarite hoki kei te pūhauhau te whare, kei te hāngai te wūru ārai makariri ki ngā ture ka whakamanatia ā kō ake nei.
Mō ngā kainoho, me whakarite e mā ana, e tika ana te āhua o te whare, tukuna te hau kia rere ki roto, waiho ngā pūoho auahi ki ngā wāhi e iri ana, me kōrero hoki ki te tangata nōna te whare mehemea ka hua mai he raruraru, pēnei i te rerenga wai kua pāia, i te wini kua mau, nē?.
He pārongo anō ki tēnei pae ipurangi.

Ko te whakatau raruraru

Dealing with disputes

Tērā ētahi wā ka uaua te whakatau i te raruraru. Tirohia tēnei ataata ka kite i ngā huarahi mō te whakatau take.

Dealing with Disputes (transcript)

Apartment: OMG. Have you heard the latest goss?

Smaller house: No! Spill the beans.

Apartment: Well, you didn’t hear it from me...

Smaller house: Of course not.

Apartment: The girl in 14b hasn’t paid her rent.

Smaller house: Oh oh! Controversial!

Apartment: It gets better. The landlord actually came over yesterday to speak to her about it.

Smaller house: Juicy.

Apartment: Anyway they shared a bowl of mini-pretzels and she told him all about it.

Smaller house: And?

Apartment: So, turns out her sister had a bit of an incident with a glacier.

Smaller house: Ha ha ha ha.

Apartment: She fell into a crevasse during a nine-day hike across the Tibetan plateau to marry a sherpa she met online.

Smaller house: Oh, not again.

Apartment: So now she needs money for an emergency air-lift.

Smaller house: Oh, shut the door!

Apartment: It is shut! So the landlord said “well, these things happen.”

Smaller house: That’s true.

Apartment: And they’ve figured out a payment plan kind of thing.

Smaller house: Oh, happy endings all round.

Apartment: I love living here.

Smaller house: I love you.

Apartment: If you’ve got a dispute with your landlord or tenant, try and resolve it between yourselves.

Then you can formalise your agreement with FastTrack Resolution.

If not, there’s always Mediation or a Tenancy Tribunal Hearing.

Smaller house: I really look up to you.

There’s more info on this website.

Ko te tautuku me te tirotiro

Compliance and investigation

He raruraru tō tēnei whare rēti, ā, kāore i whai āwhina i te tangata nōna te whare. Ka tautoko mai te huarahi katoa – he take pea tēnei mō te Rōpū Tautuku, Tirotiro hoki o te Ratonga Noho Whare.

Compliance & Investigations (Te Reo Captions) (transcript)

Whare Iti: E hoa, he ... raruraru tōku.
Wharetō: He aha?
Whare Iti: He kōhao kei tōku kūaha o muri ... ka taea ōku hautō te kite.
Wharetō: E hika mā, te kino hoki. E tātau mā!
Whare Iti: Hoihoi!
Whare tō: Tirohia ngā hautō o tēnei nā.
Whare Kaumātua: Wiii, me kōrero ō kainoho ki te tangata nōna te whare.
Wharetō: Koia koia. Koinā te mahi tuatahi me whakamātau.
Whare Iti: I kōrero atu rātau, engari kāore te tangata mō te whakatikatika. I taka atu tētahi tamaiti mā te kōhao i tētahi rā.
Wharetō: Auē! Kātahi te mahi tautauhea!
Whare Ora: Tērā tētahi wā kāore tōku tangata i whakahoki atu i te moni here. I tukuna te take ki te Taraipiunara Noho Whare. Engari, i tino pai rātau, nā rātau te take i whakatau.
Whare Kaumātua: Hei tōku, mehemea kua roa e hapa ana, ā, kāore te tangata nōna te whare i te whakatikatika, he take tautuku tērā. Ka taea tērā te āwhina e te Rōpū Tautuku, Tirotiro hoki o te Ratonga Noho Whare.  
Wharetō: Nā rātau i āwhina tētahi o ōku hoa nō te weranga ōna. Kāore te tangata nōna te whare i whakamau atu he pūoho auahi. Hapa. Nui.
Whare Iti: Kāti rā, ka taea e te Rōpū Tautuku, Tirotiro hoki o te Ratonga Noho Whare te āwhina ngā take tautuku, pēnei i te whakamōreareatanga o te whare ki te hauora me te haumaru o te kainoho, i te hapanga rānei o te tangata nōna te whare i te Ture. Ka taea hoki e te Rōpū te tohutohu i a koe māu anō e whakatau tō take, te toro rānei i ngā tāngata whai whare me ngā kaiwhakahaere whare ki te arotake i ā rātau hātepe. He pārongo anō kei tenancy.govt.nz

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