A fixed-term tenancy only lasts for the set amount of time on the tenancy agreement. It can be renewed or extended if the landlord and tenant agree.

Fixed-term tenancies become periodic when they end

If the fixed-term tenancy was signed before the law changed on 11 February 2021

If the fixed-term is for longer than 90 days, the tenancy will automatically become a periodic tenancy when it ends.

If the landlord or the tenant doesn't want it to become a periodic tenancy, they need to give notice saying this. The notice must be given between 90 and 21 days before the expiry date of the fixed term.

If the tenancy does not become periodic and is renewed or extended instead, these same rules about giving notice continue to apply until the fixed-term ends or a new agreement is signed.

If the fixed-term tenancy was signed on or after 11 February 2021

If the fixed-term is for longer than 90 days, the tenancy will automatically become a periodic tenancy when it ends.

If the tenant doesn't want it to become a periodic tenancy, they need to give 28 days’ notice before the expiry date of the fixed term.

If the landlord doesn't want it to become a periodic tenancy, they need to give a reason for ending the tenancy and provide notice based on the requirements of that reason. The reasons are the same as for ending a periodic tenancy.

Use our decision tool to see how much notice must be given.

How to serve notices

Download a notice template

Renew or extend a fixed-term tenancy

If both landlord and tenant agree, they can renew or extend the tenancy for a further fixed term. This agreement has to be in writing and signed by both parties.

Sometimes the tenancy agreement says the tenant has the right to renew the fixed-term tenancy. In this case, if the tenant wants to renew they must tell the landlord in writing. They must do this at least 28 days before the end of the fixed term. The tenancy is then renewed for the same length of time as the original fixed term.

Read more about renewing or extending a tenancy agreement

Ending a fixed-term early

A landlord or tenant cannot give notice to end a fixed-term tenancy early. They should both be very sure they want a fixed-term before signing the tenancy agreement.

Options for ending a fixed-term early

Short fixed-term tenancies

A fixed-term tenancy of 90 days or less is called a short fixed-term tenancy. If a short fixed-term tenancy comes to an end, it doesn’t automatically become a periodic tenancy. The tenancy will end on the agreed expiry date and the tenant has to move out.

About short fixed-term tenancies

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