
Bond lodgement form

Use this form at the beginning of a tenancy. It records how much bond money the landlord has collected, and it is sent with the money to Tenancy Services to be held until the tenancy ends and the tenant moves out.

Additional tenants bond lodgement form

This form is used to lodge bonds for additional tenants where there are more than two tenants.

Bond refund form

Use this form at the end of a tenancy, to claim the bond lodged with Tenancy Services. It must be filled in and signed by the same people who signed the original Bond lodgement form.

Additional tenants bond refund form

This form is used to refund bonds for additional tenants where there are more than two tenants.

Bond transfer form

Use this form when a tenant wants to transfer the bond they paid for one rental property to a new rental property. It must be filled in and signed by the same people who signed the original bond lodgement form.

Change of tenant form

A landlord should use this form to let Tenancy Services know that there has been a change of tenant in a rental property where a bond has been lodged.

Application for contact information

This form is used to request information about a debtor if you have a Tenancy Tribunal order.
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