Upgrades to the tenancy bond service
We are upgrading the tenancy bond service and changing how we deliver our services. Tenancy bonds must now be lodged online. Other changes to bond services are to come.
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Watch to find out how to prepare for a Tenancy Tribunal hearing.
How to prepare for a hearing (transcript)[Opening board stating: How to prepare for a hearing] If a hearing is scheduled, you'll receive a notice of hearing and will include details about the dispute. [Speaker name and position appears on screen: Jenny Robson, Principal Adjudicator, Tenancy Tribunal (2022)] There are a few things to keep in mind before you attend. Being prepared gives you the best chance of a successful application or defending claims against you. Evidence is important. If you have any evidence that supports your claim or your defence of it, you need to provide a copy of that before the hearing. Evidence can include what you or others say at the hearing, as well as other evidence such as emails, text messages, written agreements, videos or audio files. If you want the Tribunal to take into account what others say, you should make sure they come along as your witness. If a claim has been made against you, and you also want to discuss different issues at the hearing, you will need to lodge your own application. This is called a cross application. There's helpful information on the Tenancy Services website to help you prepare for a hearing. [Screen shot of 'Getting ready for the Tenancy Tribunal hearing' page from the Tenancy Services website: www.tenancy.govt.nz/disputes/tribunal/getting-ready-for-the-tenancy-tribunal-hearing]. It's also a good idea to write down a summary of what you would like to say about your claims, or your defence of the claims to make sure you don't miss anything. If you need the services of an interpreter, want to call a witness, or need a representative, we can make arrangements for these. You will need to let Tenancy Services know as soon as possible after you receive your notice of hearing, so there's time to manage your request. You might also take a support person along with you. For more information about the Tenancy Tribunal or how to apply and prepare for a hearing, see more on the Disputes section on our website. |