Who’s responsible for keeping your rental home healthy? In this video, a sick little house learns that both tenants and landlords have a role to play.

Heating and ventilation

Landlords should make sure their rental home can be well heated and ventilated. Tenants are responsible for ventilating the home during their tenancy.

Smoke alarms in rental properties

Working smoke alarms or detectors are compulsory in all rental homes. New smoke alarms must be photoelectric and have a long battery life, or be hard-wired.

Mould and dampness

Rental homes need to be free from mould and dampness before being rented out. During a tenancy, tenants need to keep the house well-aired and remove any mould straight away.

Damage and repairs

If something gets damaged in a rental property, or needs repairing, it’s important to know who’s responsible for fixing and paying for the problem.

In this section


Landlords can enter their rental properties at certain times, for certain things. They must give the right amount of notice or get their tenant’s permission. They must also respect the tenant’s reasonable peace, comfort and privacy.


Regular property inspections are important for a healthy rental and a good relationship between landlord and tenant.

Pests and infestations

Landlords need to make sure the property is free from pests at the start of the tenancy and maintain the property to help prevent infestations.

Tenants need to keep their house in a condition that doesn’t encourage pests and know what to do if there is an infestation.

Locks and security

Both landlords and tenants are responsible for keeping the house secure.

Laws and bylaws

Landlords need to comply with various legal obligations. Find out about the laws and bylaws that apply to renting a property.

Quiet enjoyment

Quiet enjoyment means being able to enjoy reasonable peace, comfort and privacy, and allowing others to enjoy the same.