It is important for landlords, property managers and tenants to keep the bond record up to date.

The bond record must be updated within 10 working days:

  • when the landlord, property manager or tenant of a property changes and this impacts the bond record, or
  • when the ‘address for service’ changes.

We can only refund a bond to those listed in our system. Updating the bond record if a tenant or landlord changes during the tenancy makes it easier to sort out any problems later on.

This process will also need to be completed if you legally change your name.

When the tenant changes

If there is a change of tenant during a tenancy, you must complete a change of tenant form if they have contributed to the bond.

If a tenant who contributed to the bond moves out, arrangements for the refund of their share of the bond should be agreed between the tenants and the landlord. Typically, the remaining or new tenant(s) choose to pay the departing tenant their share of the bond directly. They should also ensure that a change of tenant form is completed at that time.

If all existing tenants are leaving, you need to complete a bond refund form. Landlords must lodge a new bond when a new tenancy starts.

The change of tenant form must be signed by:

  • the outgoing tenant(s) to confirm they have no further claim on the bond
  • the new tenant(s)
  • the continuing tenant(s)
  • the landlord or property manager.

It takes about 10 working days to process this form. We will let you know once our records have been updated.

Download change of tenant form below

When the landlord or property manager changes

If the landlord or property manager changes during a tenancy, the new landlord or property manager must complete a change of landlord/agent form.

The change of landlord/agent form must be signed by:

  • the previous landlord/agent
  • the new landlord/agent.

It takes about 10 working days to process this form. We will let you know once our records have been updated.

Download change of landlord/agent form below

When your address for service changes

An address for service is an address where landlords or tenants receive notices and other documents about the tenancy.

If your address for service changes during the tenancy, you will need to let us know within 10 working days.

You can let us know about the change by:

  • emailing us your new address for service. Your email address must match the one we have on file.
  • sending us a signed letter. Your signature needs to match what was on your lodgement form.

More information on the address for service

What happens if details are not up to date

If the bond records haven’t been kept up to date, there may be delays when it’s time to refund the bond.

Preventing problems with bonds

Where to send the completed forms

Once the forms have been completed and signed by all necessary parties, please submit the forms (within 10 working days) by:

  • scanning and emailing to, or
    • if your email has been received, you'll get an automatic reply email from us within 10 minutes. If you don't receive a reply after 10 minutes, please resend your email.
  • posting to Tenancy Services, PO Box 50445, Porirua 5240
Rating form

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